Thursday, August 18, 2005

my soap box

Okay, read this news article and then I'll get on my soap box.

Taiwan works to reduce ghost-month trash
12/08/2005 5:59:00 PM

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Environmentally conscious Taipei authorities are taking a novel approach to this year's annual ghost month, when Taiwanese burn thick stacks of paper money to appease the spirits of the dead: they're providing small garbage bags to limit the amount of immolated cash.

To insure that wandering ghosts will not disturb the peace and prosperity of the living over the ensuring 12 months, many Chinese burn copious amounts of paper money and set up tables laden with food during the seventh month of the lunar year - ghost month.

But in recent years Taipei's authorities have become increasingly concerned that large stacks of immolated cash are adding to the city's already serious air pollution problems.

As a remedy, the Taipei City Government said on Friday it will distribute a bag for each household in which symbolic amounts of paper money can be placed.

"You can address the bag to wandering spirits in general or to specific dead persons of your choice," the government said in a statement, adding that municipal garbage trucks would dispose of the bags in high-powered incinerators.

This year's ghost month observance began on Aug. 5 and will continue until Sept. 3. It is marked not only on Taiwan, but in Chinese societies throughout the world.

Okay, you've read it, there's the URL, now my soap box. Take in mind, I'm probably being really cynical and assuming the worst about people right now... but c'mon. The government finally got environmentally conscious and now they want to help out the citizens in their burning of their cash to appease the spirits of the dead so they're giving them special garbage bags to put their money in that they can just assume will go to a high-powered incinerator???? GET REAL!! That's a money-making scam right there! And please remember, I'm on my soap box right now... You know what? Maybe the government does respect the Taiwanese and really wants to help them out in their ghost month observance and cut back on pollution... but are they going to monitor whether the guys driving the garbage trucks are actually putting the money in the garbage truck or pocketing it for themselves? Does no one else see the sketchiness of the whole deal? Maybe it's so blatantly obvious that me rambling about is all moo. (Friends episode) I'm done now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8/18/2005 10:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you, girl!!

8/20/2005 9:41 pm  

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