Wednesday, September 06, 2006

two worlds collide

Hello folks. This is a day to remember! I already wrote a blog on my myspace... and I don't want to type it again, but my people don't always read my myspace, sometimes they only read my blog on here. So... I'm copying and pasting my story from my myspace to here. I apologize to the internet gods.

Okay, so here's my story from yesterday. Yesterday was my first day at school, (U of M), but it was just the Orientation so not anything to write home about. But, because I was on crutches, I was a lot slower than everyone else. Now, while being slower means I can stop and smell the roses, it does have it's drawbacks. First of all, being on crutches in a not completely flat environment means looking down a lot and avoiding a lot of curbs, anthills, uneven grass, and all that crap, so I avoided a lot of tripping by going a lot slower. Ah yes, the slower, that's the second. Slow is nice. Slow is great. Slow means that while the rest of my group is walking really fast towards the Education building and turning corners way before me, I'm snail-pacing along behind until 2 out 3 of my group leaders are walking with me, making small talk. One even offered to carry me. Yes, I've found my husband... Blech.

So, besides going slow, I think I put my tensor bandage on too tight, so by the time I got home, my ankle was 40 times larger and unable to hold me. Oh wait, I skipped something. I was within the home stretch of... well, home, and going exceptionally slow because everything in me saw that home was just around the riverbend and decided to give out and hurt. Anyways, so few steps more and I'm at my house, but then this elderly man was walking towards me. And he stopped. And I thought, oh Lord, make him go away, I don't need another grandpa figure asking if he can help. And he was going really slow too, he had the grandpa shuffling walk down to a tee. But he just stopped and stared. And I kept coming towards him, slower than molasses, and finally got near him, and said, "Yup, I'm going slower than you today!" (In a very polite kind way, text has a way of not saying that). He said, "Heh?" I said it again, and he did a very jolly grandpa laugh and kind of shuffled away. And then I got inside my house and collapsed on the couch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey if you want help getting your textbooks let me know i'm around

9/06/2006 11:09 pm  

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