Wednesday, June 08, 2005

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap. ~Carrie Snow

Well today is turning out to be one of those days when I'm super tired. I got to work today, (I'm a nanny) and I take care of their kids in their house. Which is fine... I'm okay with that. Only thing is... sometimes their house is cold. And by cold I mean it was 69 F... 21 C. Yup that's cold. Okay, well I think it was colder because it's raining outside and that cold followed me in. So what did I do? I turned up the heat to 77 F... 25 C... and turned on the fireplace. Now it's boiling and I'm melting... So I turned it down.

Anyways, I'm super sleepy today. I don't know why! Well, I do sort of know why. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep recently because I've been staying out late and getting up early for work so I only get about 4 hours of sleep. Apparently that's not enough. In my defense, my brother came to stay at my house because he had a conference in the city and didn't want to drive back to the city from home the next morning. My brother is 38, (a lot older than me), there's 18 years difference between us. So when I was growing up, I didn't spend a lot of time with him because he was off discovering the world... and I was off being a kid. So now I'm 20, and he's 38 with a family and kids... and this is the first time I've seen him in a couple months. Sometimes, he's like an older cousin that you only see at family gatherings. Or some person who has the same parents as me, but we're not really related. This all sounds really bad, but I love my brother, I'm just getting closer to him slowly.


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