the second international convention of the bathroom-users
Well... I made the decision that I was going to try and drink more water. 8 glasses a day, to be exact. I started this adventure yesterday. I think I took a trip to the bathroom every 30 minutes. Atleast we know my kidneys are functioning properly! Anyways, 8 glasses of water... sounds like a normal feat. Except for, translated into mL, you have to drink about 4 591-mL bottles to equal your recommended daily dosage. Well, actually it was like 3.38409475, but I rounded it up because apparently it helps you lose weight if you drink a ton of water. So, I did drink 4 bottles of water yesterday. Felt kinda sloshy walking around because I drank an ocean, but we'll see how it goes today. I've already drank (drunk? dranken? drunken? drinked?) 1 bottle... I can do this!
you never cease to make me smile!!
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