Thursday, February 02, 2006

HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY! Wait... that is today, right?

Okay folks... the plans are slowly falling into place that I'm going on a roadtrip to Edmonton March 1 - 5. Going to go see Booy and my cousin Matt who lives out there... and the West Edmonton Mall!! and Ikea. Hopefully in that order! I'm excited! Becca's going to go with me hopefully as well... if she can get off work. So, I'm hoping and praying all goes well. I've been wanting to travel for a while. And I know it's not huge... but it's something! It's Edmonton. Not Italy or Iceland... but it's fun! It's not here! (I like here don't get me wrong.) But I like going places! So I'm excited that we can go... hopefully. AAAH! Well, it's less than a month away. With this new job that I got, the pay is more and I have more hours. So, it's reduced the times I go out. So, I save a lot more money right now! It's beautiful! I've already saved enough money for gas... so now whatever I save after this is all towards FUN. Just had to share that with someone... that I'm excited. And hoping it all turns out awesome.


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