Tuesday, September 12, 2006

of mice and elevators

If you also read my myspace, don't read this, because it's the same:

Yup, folks. I have found it. From the deep dark corners of your nightmares, comes... the scariest elevator known to man. It's on campus. For those of you who aren't sure, I go to the U of M and currently am on crutches. Well, not this exact second, I'm relaxing on the couch, but at school, I'm on crutches. I have many funny stories about people vs. my crutches, but this is about the elevator.

Okay, so this elevator. When you push the button, nothing happens for a while. Then, this horrible screeching sound and a kind of grinding rumbles through the elevator doors that kind of makes your insides move like really loud bass does at a concert.

Then it's quiet. And you wonder what the heck happened to the elevator. And then, out of nowhere like a horror movie, the doors pop open. And reveal a really dark elevator with a very odd orangish light that really doesn't do a good job of illuminating anything.

But because I'm on crutches, I had to get in the elevator. And I did, and the doors slammed shut just as abruptly as they opened. And I had a moment of panic... you know that moment when something relatively scary is happening and your insides decide to hug each other. Anyways, I pushed the button for the 2nd floor and then the noise started again, but we weren't moving. And the elevator kept making the noise, and I considered whether anyone has died from the elevator only plunging a floor.

Trick is, the elevator was actually moving... I think it wasn't actually as slow as it was, I think it made the noise just to scare people, and then it whips you up to the 2nd floor at the last second before the doors spring open. Anyways, if you're into making movies, go to that elevator.


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