Tuesday, June 14, 2005

just a doorbell... harmless, right???

What did I do today?? Well, I got to work to discover that my boss had installed a doorbell. Not just a happy ding, an annoying chime that as my co-worker stated, "was a sound like a knife going through her eye." So, I set about seeing what the other options were on this door bell... having not had the door bell explained to me. There was the chime option, which is what it's on right now... then there was a 'delay' option and an 'instant' option. Yup... I know what you're all thinking... those should have been clues already that it was something I shouldn't be touching. Well, I touched it. I put it on the delay option, and opened the door. Nothing happened for a while... which was a little confusing, but made sense because it was on delay. What, exactly, was on delay was the thought that had not quite gone through any cognitive process in my mind...
until the delay moment was over, and the alarm went off.

Now, I've set the alarm off at my friend's house and what happens is a horribly loud clanging goes off and then the alarm company calls and I think you have to tell them a code or something to make them not send the police. Well, I panicked. I didn't know any code or anything and I wasn't sure when my boss would be in. So, the alarm went off. LOUD BEEPING. Rather annoying. And, someone from an office down the hall came running and we had to assure him through the door that we were fine. So I called my boss asking for the code to make the thing shut off. What? Nope, he doesn't know the code, his son knows the code and his son is out of town until some time in the afternoon. Excellent, right?? So what do I do? I considered taking a bat to it, but I'm not sure how my boss would've liked that if when he comes to work there's the newly installed door bell/alarm on the ground shattered in ten million pieces. But, fortunately, the alarm was not connected to an alarm company or anything, it just emits the most horrible sound ever. I thought about leaving it on, but besides annoying the entire building, I was pretty sure it would drive me and my entourage in the office out the second story window.

So, eventually, under the encouragement of the lady who shares the office with us, I climbed onto a chair again.. (the same chair I climbed on to commit the heinous crime of finding out what 'delay' does) and I ripped it off the wall enough to get the battery out. I yanked on a bunch of wires while trying to find the battery so maybe, I might have wrecked it enough that the doorbell option won't happen. I don't know. There isn't enough people in this office to warrant a doorbell... my desk is near the door and the door can't open without me seeing who's coming through... hence the no need for a doorbell. And the sound it makes is NOT worth it. My boss said he was coming shortly, so maybe if I talk nice, the doorbell will get taken away.

Just a doorbell... harmless, right??


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