Monday, August 08, 2005

a place to hang my hat

Well, I was in an elevator today on my way up to where I work, and there were two men standing who had been waiting for them in the lobby and joined me on my ride, one guy about mid-40s to early-50s, and one that was elderly. The younger man was asking the older man what he was up to, and if he had his own office space in this building, and the older man said, "yeah I have a place to hang my hat." Humble, sort of, but I thought it was cool. I, one day, want a place to hang my hat... You know?? My own business. I know not everyone aspires to own their own business, or have their own office space, but I think I would like that... as of yet, I'm not going to say what kind of business or anything like that... but I would like a place to hang my hat.


Blogger Cherise said...

i think that's a cool dream!! you were listening in church. hehe

8/08/2005 6:43 pm  

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