Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'm pretty.

Myspace post again:

Hello... I have a confession to make. Well, here's a little preview to the confession. I'm going to the University of Manitoba this year... and for many years to come. I'm going to get my Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and then go into Medical School to become a doctor. Pediatrics or Obstetrics (children or babies), I haven't decided which one yet. Anyways, that's a lot of school and it'll cost a lot of money.

So, today... I was walking through University Centre towards Subway... which is another habit I'll have to cut out because I can't afford to eat at school all the time. Anyways, I was also talking on the phone.... and as I was walking... (Okay picture with me... I'm on my phone, I'm limping... which once I start physio will slowly become less of a thing I do. The limping, not the phone.)

Anyways, so I was looking at the ground while I was walking and I saw a dime. It was right outside Tim Hortons, and I saw it, but because I can't just kneel down and pick it up because my knee won't do that yet, and because I was on the phone and carrying a backpack... I couldn't just lean down and get it either because that's a whole other balancing act... So I started kicking the dime in front of me.

Which worked well until it hit the first tile and started rolling. So picture me, on my phone, limping, with a backpack, following a dime across the floor. Now, my once purposeful walk has turned into a meandering path of circles following this dime... until after walking through two groups of people's conversations, I finally dropped my backpack and picked up the dime and put in my pocket. But the funny looks, I tell ya... I felt like yelling at them, I'm going to med school so THIS MATTERS!

I may frame the dime to record this rather unflattering moment in my history as a doctor... so later on, when I'm driving a Ferrari and making millions and delivering babies and giving to the church (that comes first)... then that dime will make me smile... and make me feel so happy that I'm finally done school.


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