Thursday, September 01, 2005

when the world seems crazy...

I'm having one of those days again... where my brain feels fuzzy and my eyes won't focus and I'm sleepy. BLECH I hate this feeling. And, you know, I'm joyful on the inside... it's just one of those moments where it's a little harder to put it out on the outside. Luckily, I'm all by myself today... so I can sit here, coughing (my body's fighting some sort of something involving sore throats and coughing up NOTHING except more itchy feelings in the back of my throat). It's kind of cold outside! I used to like the weather a lot more, but now that I'm taking the bus places... the cold outdoors is not so peaceful and friendly. My thoughts of moving to a rainy climate are slowly fading... and anywhere near an ocean isn't high on my list of priorities right now because I've seen the pictures from the hurricane down south... And I'm rambling...


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