Tuesday, May 30, 2006

нападение моли

She gets out of her car, wary. Watching. Eyes darting back and forth, ever looking at her surroundings. Will they get her? Will they know she's here? She feels very vulnerable to attack right now, knowing they could come at any time.

She slowly steps away from her car, making sure it's locked. Good, it is. Now, the walk to the front door. Will they find her? What can she do? She's wide open to the enemy. She darts back and forth, doing a one-two step and then breaks into a full-out run, looking up to make sure they can't see her.

Breathing heavily, she makes it to the front door and can't find her keys fast enough. She fumbles with them, panicking as she can't find the stupid first key!! Where is it??!! Success! She finds it, fiddles with the lock, and flings open the door and runs into the house, slamming the door shut behind her and locking it.

Phew. One more day of avoiding... the worms. I hate them with a passion. And, according to someone of great wisdom, they turn to moths. So, just think, as you're dodging them while you walk, as you're being disgusted at their poop on your car, as you're checking your clothes once you get in the house... they're baby moths in training.


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