Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Part 1: longest evening ever

Where to start? Today... more precisely this evening was quite the experience. I started night classes... a night class.. on the Holocaust, so it's bound to be something. But, I determined somewhere around last week that I was going to rollerblade to school.

Rollerblades. They were such a smart investment, you know? It's summer soon, so... What better way to be healthy and what not... ATHLETIC! That's the word I was looking for. Athletic and what not... so I bought them.

Okay let's summarize. I bought rollerblades. I've never gone rollerblading for more than 15 minutes at a friend's house in my entire life. Who's idea was it to rollerblade to my class?? Right.... mine.

So off I went. I was doing good. Until I realized why people rollerblade in parks... and not on sidewalks. Because in the park... there isn't a dip in the sidewalk and a fall off of a very high curb for every driveway and entry into a parking lot. Yup. I discovered a lot of those.

So. While rollerblading, I kept my eyes down. Nope, not depressed... not sad... scanning the turf directly infront of me looking for cracks, rocks, sand, gravel... and my all-time favorite sidewalk that's not directly with the one before it so therefore creating a very small speed bump which turns into an earthquake for me.

Sometimes... Sometimes my eyes were raised! Nope, I'm not casually rollerblading down the sidewalk looking off into the future day-dreaming about life. I'm scanning the horizon for the next curb... Well, specifically the next pole to grab so that I don't get hit by a car flying off the curb.

If you looked really close... and trust me, people were looking... If you looked really close... you could see my lips moving. Not mouthing the words to the newest song piping to my ears with headphones from the latest mp3 player that I bought off ebay. I'm praying. Praying desperately that I don't fall... or fly off a curb and get hit by a car... or fall and get hit by a car.... or... well, you get the picture.

So... off I went. Scanning everything in my peripheral vision to make sure that nothing can touch me... Until up out of nowhere came the hill of the century. Looking back on it now, it probably was the product of some pothole from hell... but, I didn't see it coming. So up one side I went, and down the other side I went... Sounds easy... however it was the down the other side I went part that included a lot more drama, a lot more mumbling under my breath, and flailing of the arms.

Flailing. If I cared enough to change my name, or actually would want to more than just tonight, I'd add the middle name "Flailer" to my name. It's fun to say... It's fun to spell... It epitomizes what today was. Flailing. Every time I came flying off a curb, every time I went flying up the curb... Every time I avoided gravel... Every time I looked anywhere other than down... Pretty much I was flailing a lot.

It gets better I promise... so read part 2.


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