Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Jurassic Park 4: Hidden in Winnipeg

Okay, you know how your brain just kind of justifies certain sounds it hears in the background? It's probably a subconscious thing, that the sounds you hear, it sort of tunes out the ones that you hear all the time... that's why people can fall asleep eventually to their normal house surroundings, but if you go to someone else's house for night, nope... new sounds. So, yesterday, I heard this weird sound twice while I was at work... and my brain's immediate thought was... oh, that's just a raptor sneezing. And I kept working, and then I had to freeze... because I had to talk to my brain for a second... "What did you just say?" "That was a raptor sneezing." "But we're not even outside!!!" "I know, it's in the other room..." "Ohhh...... WHAT??"

So, I turned around, because my over-imaginative part of my brain shut off for a second and reason kicked in, because no way was there a raptor in the office. I still don't know what the odd sound was... maybe it was a raptor. Maybe we'll never know. The reason I brought this up is because I'm alone at work again and there's things making funny sounds. Again. I actually jumped the second time, because nothing should be making noise right now on it's own because no one else is here.

There was this one time, I was at a different job filing something, and out of the corner of my eye something purple walked past but I didn't turn and look... My brain registered the image as a sasquatch. That was the thought that went through my head, "Oh that's just a sasquatch walking past..." I actually had to stop there again and be like, what the heck??

I think I watch too much TV. And yet I don't watch that much TV, but I think what I do watch, I absorb too much of, and then my imagination runs with it. I know I'm sounding like a psycho and the guys in white coats are going to come crashing through the door any second... I don't care!! Next time my brain does something like this again, I'll let you know.


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