Thursday, September 15, 2005

SAVE THE... wait... elephants??

Treadmill arrives to help Alaska's only elephant fight battle of the bulge

Scottish team wins elephant polo match in Thailand for the 2nd straight year

Oookay... Now folks, I'm sorry, maybe I'm in a cynical mood again, but both of these stories had a similar theme... yes I know, ELEPHANTS, but both of them focused on something else as well. MONEY. Both of them had tons of money being poured into elephants or a charity for elephants. Now, don't get me wrong, I like elephants, I think they're amazing animals and God was very creative and He did amazing at the elephants... I could've done without spiders, but that's another story for another time... So, I like elephants, I do... but, why is there tons of money going to elephants while there's still people not getting enough to eat right here in Winnipeg!!

I know that I'm picking one side of the fence to argue right now. Many people will agree with me that more money should go to feed PEOPLE, instead of saving every other mammal on the planet. There's so many activists fighting for the rights of the seals or birds or bugs...(the bug one's actually funny). What about the kids starving or being left home alone for 3 weeks?

Yup, I know... now I'll go to the other side of the fence. I do believe that we should care for the environment, don't idle your car, don't litter, don't kick the dog... all those good things. God gave us the planet for a reason, to take care of it! And we've managed to bomb it, microwave it, pollute it, and melt it to the point that now we have all these people running around chaining themselves to trees or boats or whatever and being radical for that... But seriously folks, the earth was built to last... I don't think we're going to destroy it. (Side note if you go the "destroy it" website, I don't think the earth has been around for billions and billions of years.)

Radical. Agitator. Rebel. People who try to get a point across using any possible means. I think the passion behind their actions is awesome, their actions not always so positive, but the fact that they want something done so much that they'll do anything for it. If they could curve that to aggressively pursuing a cause that's worth fighting for and doesn't get them arrested, then they'd have my support. What's a cause worth fighting for? Something that's worth aggressively pursuing? I think that depends on the person. For me, I have a passion and love for abused children, for homeless people, for prostitutes, for children with special needs, geriatrics patients with no family that come visit them. But that's just me. You probably have something that angers you when you see it happening and you wish you could do something to stop it.

I'm not saying chain yourself to the Golden Boy and yell... I'm just saying, what's stopping you? Fear of man? (Once again, fear of breaking the law is a healthy fear... the police WILL stop you if you're breaking the law.) But fear of embarrassment? Fear of looking stupid? Fear of standing up?

You only live once! You only get today once! What are you doing with today? How do you know that the people you're passing on the street aren't thinking, nobody loves me, I might as well die... and one smile could keep them going for one more day... I don't want to mess up any more days by focusing on what I'm getting out of life... I want to give. Again, I'm not saying go preach hell and brimstone on the street corner... Just love on people!! Every single person on the earth was created with the basic need to be loved. And we've got Christ's love in us, so we should be able to love on them. Just smile at someone today that you don't know... maybe they'll say hi, you'll keep the conversation going, and who knows? Maybe they'll ask about God. Maybe you'll mention Him. Maybe not. Doesn't matter. Just takes the focus off you and puts it on Him.


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