Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the best cookie in the entire world

You must click on the picture to truly understand it's oatmeal raisiny goodness.
This is the best cookie in the entire world. I'm serious, folks, if you like oatmeal raisin cookies, you will never look at another one besides this brand once you eat these. Found at 7-11, (possibly other places, I have poorly done the research), they are the best cookies in the entire world. And you might be thinking, hmm... should I buy two?? Oh yes!! But only if the second one is going to be eaten at a much later time because one is often enough. I'm telling you folks, this is the real deal!! You will never be hungry again! These cookies are AMAZING. I'm done now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you always get smiles from me!!! i miss you too....are you going to teh reuben morgan concert??

9/27/2005 10:16 pm  

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