Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just Like Coke

So, last night, I went to see "Just Like Heaven" with a bunch of people... and, minus a few extremely cheesy moments, it was actually pretty good. I liked it. And, I'm NOT a huge fan of girly, romantic, cheesy, fluffy movies... I prefer ones that make me think and jump and want to drive really fast. But, I do occasionally like these "girly" movies, and this one was cute. I was a little afraid at one point that it was going to be like "City of Angels" where Seth becomes human and they have the longest sex scene known to man because he's now being touched for the first time... Blech. ANYWAYS, "Just Like Heaven" didn't have that, so it was good. I did laugh a lot, so it was a good movie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to see it! i'm glad you enjoyed yourself even if it didn't make you want to drive fast! are you going to the reuben morgan concert??? maria bought me tickets!!!

9/20/2005 5:35 pm  

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