Monday, October 31, 2005


dare you...

Okay, the next time you're in an elevator, I dare you to do this. You know how when there's people in there that you don't know, and it's all quiet and no one says anything... Well, this is what you should do. Right before it's your turn to get off, start talking into an imaginary mike saying, "(static) Okay, 10-4. I'll be right there", or something mission impossible-like. I almost did it this morning because there was 2 other women in the elevator and they were just staring straight ahead and not saying anything... it got really quiet. So, I almost broke the silence!... but I didn't. I chickened out this time. Next time, however... I'll let you know!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Josh and Maria and me

Well, I happen to like really long days when I've done tons of stuff! And today happened to be one of those days... Actually, it was more mentally tiring than physically tiring. I had to be early for choir this morning, but luckily because of the extra hour, I got to be awake an extra hour. I think I was a little nervous about getting up on time that my body just woke up extra early to make sure we all got there on time... And by we all, I mean me. So, then I hung out with some peeps to watch "A Beautiful Mind" and that was AMAZING!! I love that movie!! Even though I almost cried several times because of how sad I was for him to be dealing with schizophrenia. Apparently the movie won awards from the National Schizophrenia Society (I don't know if that's actually the right name... but some society dedicated to schizophrenia) too, besides Academy Awards. So, then I did some psychology homework and got ready for Wednesday when I'm teaching little kids at church... Then we went for ice cream and on the way back, me and Maria sang along with Josh Groban really badly... we both sang on key... but Josh was singing in like Italian so we followed him as best we could. It was a teary moment for all of us though, because Josh really underestimated our talent! Anyways, so here I sit... I lost at the game I was playing too many times so apparently building viruses isn't my thing today. I blame it on the mouse. Well, good night... I just got Johnny Depp's line from "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" stuck in my head... "Hello starshine!! The earth says Hello!!" Because he sounded really funny when he said that and it made me laugh. And who can argue, because well, folks, it's Johnny McAwesome Depp.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

the worst movie that i've seen recently

Okay if you were wondering what movie not to go see... "A History of Violence" is it. That movie was horrible! I know, some of you already would say, why would you go see that movie? Well, the preview looked good!! It looked like it could be some sort of psychological thriller or something cool like that! Yeah... no! It went from bad to worse to holy crap that's disgusting. Okay, let alone the fact that there was like porn sex in the movie that was completely distasteful and unnecessary, (I know the 18-A rating should have given it away), but the violence was disgusting. Yup, I know, violence in movies like Gladiator and Braveheart, there's some that's disgusting, but most of it has a great soundtrack, great visual effects, and the camera doesn't focus on the guy's mashed-in, broken nose and face while he dies!! That's what this movie did!! It was gross and unnecessary. Again, I should've guessed by the rating but there's other movies rated R that turn out awesome. Now, this all could've been ignored if there was an awesome plot, great climax, good dialogue, all that... you know? Well, there was NO plot. No good storyline that eventually went somewhere and made sense... The camera shots during a conversation took way too long and when someone was talking, it took forever for them to get out a sentence... and there was really long pauses. Not a lot of music either. And the story line was retarded. So, all in all, don't go see the movie.

Friday, October 28, 2005

The fountain in San Jose

Well, this is going to be a short entry, but I got some pictures I wanted to show you. And so I don't get nailed for any copyright stuff: The bottom photograph of the fountain was taken by Jim Rees. The other photograph I don't know who took it, I just found it on Google. This is where I want to go one day, it's a fountain in downtown San Jose that you can actually walk through and play in!!! I saw it on a movie once, actually... I think it was a Frankie Muniz movie, one of his Agent Cody Banks ones... or... "Blank Check" maybe... I can't remember... I thought the movie was corny anyways, but the fountain looked really cool and I remember watching the movie and thinking that would be fun to go to. Maybe with my family that I'll have one day, my husband and I can take our kids there and we can play in it. I know that they could probably have fun with a sprinkler in the backyard as well... but I want my kids to have odd, fun travel experiences when they're growing up. Anyways, this is where I want to go. San Jose, California. For the fountain.

Monday, October 24, 2005

mazes and such...

The Mothman Infestations & the House of Ice

I haven't written in a while, and lots has happened... but when I even think about trying to simplify it to put it on here, I don't think I can. So, I'll keep it light for now.

There was a span of time about a week ago when everyone who I lived with minus me managed to leave the outside porch/enclosed veranda light on, thus attracting every moth known to man. So, now, I think we've started some sort of refugee-moth breeding program in our porch because I swear there's more every day. But now, the light is usually off, so I try to enter the house as stealthily as possible, keeping the retarded belief that if I move slowly enough, they won't see me... (I'm sure it looks hilarious, but no one's ever seen me do this Mission Impossible move into the house yet) although, panic does set in if the key's not unlocking the door fast enough. But, there's at least 10 in there right now, and they all just sit around and stare at me as I leave, plotting my untimely demise.

As for our house, there's a significant climate change from my room to the other side of the house. I really think that Theresa is cold-blooded, because she sleeps with a fan on in her room and then the bathroom window is always open, thus when you go to take a shower, icicles start freezing onto your hair even with hot water going full blast. Apparently, the other reason for the window open is so we don't have mildew growing in our bathroom because we don't have a fan. This however, does cause a large shock during any trip to the bathroom during the night as the unsuspecting, sleepy victim discovers just how cold a porcelain toilet can become in the Arctic. Then there's me, who sleeps with sweats, a t-shirt, and a huge hoodie under my blanket and my sleeping bag, and then I'm relatively warm. But, we also can't turn on the heat much because we control the heat for the whole house and then with the heat on, the people upstairs cook. Good times. SO, alas, every morning I go from warm to popsicle within a couple steps. And the beautiful part of it is somehow I have managed to time my shower around the same time as someone upstairs so I miss all the hot water. So between the window open with winter blowing in and then ice raining out of the shower, I'll never be warm again.

ah, yes...

Friday, October 14, 2005

yup, i like this.

It's Friday. And although I didn't have to work on Monday, it was an incredibly slow week. Although, I think somehow, time has slowed for me and now it's taking forever just to finish a day. Not that I'm complaining, I don't miss out on the little moments that make you laugh... But then again, the day takes FOREVER to finish. But, I don't want to day to finish, I want to enjoy it. So, this is the situation I'm stuck with.

However, I did read in some stranger's blog about this article published today by the New York Times. 900 words and 4 reporters later, they came up with this. I wish that the only articles that were in the newspaper were all like this. Fluffy stuff that doesn't really matter, not murders or bombs or planes crashing or earthquakes. Just that it's raining too much in New York City.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

there were a lot of moths out last night.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

now is not the time.

Well, last night, I went to Celtic Tiger. It was amazing!! (Click on Celtic Tiger and you can see pictures). It was so awesome!! I loved it, and it was totally worth running out of money last week to pay for the ticket! I got there really early, which turned out to be a God-thing (I'll explain some other time) but when I sat down in my seat, it was about 7 pm. The show was supposed to start at 7:30. So, at about 7:20, I'd already looked at the merchandise (all a million dollars each), gone to the bathroom, and made 2 phone calls, so I was ready for the show to start. Some guy started using the spotlight, which made me get all excited because I thought the show was starting... However I was wrong. I got a little frustrated because this was NOT the time to discover how the spotlight works.

Anyways, the show started and I think my heart stopped. It was amazing!!! Michael Flatley is amazing, and according to Becca, he does 35 taps in one second. 35 TAPS IN ONE SECOND! That's amazing! I loved it! Minus the striptease... That was not my favorite part at ALL. But, all in all, there were amazing costumes and amazing dancing and amazing music! The second half was a little disappointing, only because it was geared more towards Americans and I'm a Canadian. So, that part I didn't really enjoy, but the first act justified the whole night.

Friday, October 07, 2005

to the tune of f minor...

It's Friday, and it's a long weekend... This morning I rode the bus to work and listened to Josh Groban and read John Grisham. New book-"The King of Torts". I was in a fluffy(didn't want to think about anything) mood, talking to whatever people I came in contact with, I got asked out to a movie by a guy, and then I got to work and started working. This weekend I think I'll be a lot more relaxed, I don't have any sign language classes, and... well, I just don't want to think about anything this weekend. I don't want to have to stress out about anything, not that I want to stress out any other weekend. And not like there's a ton of stuff going on, but I just don't want any stuff this weekend. There's been enough going on lately, just life, and I'm kind of lifed-out right now.

It's Thanksgiving long weekend. I'm thankful for tons of things... but I don't want to think about any of the stuff that's more stressful then thankful. My life can come back on Tuesday, but for right now, I don't want to deal with anything. I haven't relaxed in a while... So, this weekend, besides the 2 birthday parties on Saturday, it's going to me, Josh, John, and the occasional movie. Sounds good to me. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

crazy snow

even the nicest go bad

Well, I don't know if you guys ever watched "Gremlins" when you were little. It came out 1984. So, when I watched it, I had to have been 5 or so... unless it was the second one. Oh yes, "Gremlins 2" also came out... in 1990. So, I don't remember which one it was... I think it was probably the first one, because the Gremlins were cute through more of the movie.

Anyways, when I watched it, I remember thinking they were cute... until they went evil. I don't remember all of the movie, but I remember being horrified by the evil creatures. I think my dad was watching with me, and either we turned it off or I left, I'm not sure, but I was horrified... and couldn't look at my stuffed animals for the longest time. Kudos to Marce and Jen though for figuring out what the Gremlins were, because I couldn't remember the name.

Kind of like the X-Files episode I watched that had the girl's doll that was controlling her mother's mind and making people hurt themselves and others. My brother and sister-in-law bought me a Anne of Green Gables doll from Prince Edward Island and I had to turn it around to stare at the wall for several weeks because it reminded me of the creepy X-Files episode. Oh, speaking of X-Files, I bought the movie a couple days ago for $5 at Movie Village on Osborne!! I'm now a huge fan of that store because they have TONS of movies there that you can buy! That's my small pitch for Movie Village... now maybe they'll give me movies cheaper. I remember buying the X-Files movie when it first came out on video and then hiding it in my house and watching it whenever my parents weren't home. Then, I finally threw it out because I felt really bad about having to hide it. But, now, I bought the DVD and watched it with Maria a couple nights ago. Well, I fell asleep several times during it because I had to get up early the next morning to go to my sign language class but I couldn't go directly to bed because I had to wait for my laundry to finish. The dryer makes a horrible noise when it's done and it's right next to Mandi's room downstairs so I didn't want her to go get woken up by it.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

it's october 5 and it's snowing!