Thursday, September 21, 2006

the effects of caffeine on a spider

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i'm pretty.

Myspace post again:

Hello... I have a confession to make. Well, here's a little preview to the confession. I'm going to the University of Manitoba this year... and for many years to come. I'm going to get my Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and then go into Medical School to become a doctor. Pediatrics or Obstetrics (children or babies), I haven't decided which one yet. Anyways, that's a lot of school and it'll cost a lot of money.

So, today... I was walking through University Centre towards Subway... which is another habit I'll have to cut out because I can't afford to eat at school all the time. Anyways, I was also talking on the phone.... and as I was walking... (Okay picture with me... I'm on my phone, I'm limping... which once I start physio will slowly become less of a thing I do. The limping, not the phone.)

Anyways, so I was looking at the ground while I was walking and I saw a dime. It was right outside Tim Hortons, and I saw it, but because I can't just kneel down and pick it up because my knee won't do that yet, and because I was on the phone and carrying a backpack... I couldn't just lean down and get it either because that's a whole other balancing act... So I started kicking the dime in front of me.

Which worked well until it hit the first tile and started rolling. So picture me, on my phone, limping, with a backpack, following a dime across the floor. Now, my once purposeful walk has turned into a meandering path of circles following this dime... until after walking through two groups of people's conversations, I finally dropped my backpack and picked up the dime and put in my pocket. But the funny looks, I tell ya... I felt like yelling at them, I'm going to med school so THIS MATTERS!

I may frame the dime to record this rather unflattering moment in my history as a doctor... so later on, when I'm driving a Ferrari and making millions and delivering babies and giving to the church (that comes first)... then that dime will make me smile... and make me feel so happy that I'm finally done school.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

of mice and elevators

If you also read my myspace, don't read this, because it's the same:

Yup, folks. I have found it. From the deep dark corners of your nightmares, comes... the scariest elevator known to man. It's on campus. For those of you who aren't sure, I go to the U of M and currently am on crutches. Well, not this exact second, I'm relaxing on the couch, but at school, I'm on crutches. I have many funny stories about people vs. my crutches, but this is about the elevator.

Okay, so this elevator. When you push the button, nothing happens for a while. Then, this horrible screeching sound and a kind of grinding rumbles through the elevator doors that kind of makes your insides move like really loud bass does at a concert.

Then it's quiet. And you wonder what the heck happened to the elevator. And then, out of nowhere like a horror movie, the doors pop open. And reveal a really dark elevator with a very odd orangish light that really doesn't do a good job of illuminating anything.

But because I'm on crutches, I had to get in the elevator. And I did, and the doors slammed shut just as abruptly as they opened. And I had a moment of panic... you know that moment when something relatively scary is happening and your insides decide to hug each other. Anyways, I pushed the button for the 2nd floor and then the noise started again, but we weren't moving. And the elevator kept making the noise, and I considered whether anyone has died from the elevator only plunging a floor.

Trick is, the elevator was actually moving... I think it wasn't actually as slow as it was, I think it made the noise just to scare people, and then it whips you up to the 2nd floor at the last second before the doors spring open. Anyways, if you're into making movies, go to that elevator.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

ode to a nerd

i am a nerd.
i like reading books.
i like reading lots of different kinds of books.
i like reading non-fiction books.
i like reading fiction books.
i like reading books.

i like going to bookstores.
i like the smell in bookstores.
i like wandering around bookstores and looking at titles.
i like covers on books.
i buy books because of their cover sometimes.
i could live in a bookstore.

i like buying books off the internet.
i like looking at many books on the internet.
i possibly have a problem with the internet.
i like buying books.

i like reading my textbooks.
i like reading other people's textbooks.
i am a nerd.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

two worlds collide

Hello folks. This is a day to remember! I already wrote a blog on my myspace... and I don't want to type it again, but my people don't always read my myspace, sometimes they only read my blog on here. So... I'm copying and pasting my story from my myspace to here. I apologize to the internet gods.

Okay, so here's my story from yesterday. Yesterday was my first day at school, (U of M), but it was just the Orientation so not anything to write home about. But, because I was on crutches, I was a lot slower than everyone else. Now, while being slower means I can stop and smell the roses, it does have it's drawbacks. First of all, being on crutches in a not completely flat environment means looking down a lot and avoiding a lot of curbs, anthills, uneven grass, and all that crap, so I avoided a lot of tripping by going a lot slower. Ah yes, the slower, that's the second. Slow is nice. Slow is great. Slow means that while the rest of my group is walking really fast towards the Education building and turning corners way before me, I'm snail-pacing along behind until 2 out 3 of my group leaders are walking with me, making small talk. One even offered to carry me. Yes, I've found my husband... Blech.

So, besides going slow, I think I put my tensor bandage on too tight, so by the time I got home, my ankle was 40 times larger and unable to hold me. Oh wait, I skipped something. I was within the home stretch of... well, home, and going exceptionally slow because everything in me saw that home was just around the riverbend and decided to give out and hurt. Anyways, so few steps more and I'm at my house, but then this elderly man was walking towards me. And he stopped. And I thought, oh Lord, make him go away, I don't need another grandpa figure asking if he can help. And he was going really slow too, he had the grandpa shuffling walk down to a tee. But he just stopped and stared. And I kept coming towards him, slower than molasses, and finally got near him, and said, "Yup, I'm going slower than you today!" (In a very polite kind way, text has a way of not saying that). He said, "Heh?" I said it again, and he did a very jolly grandpa laugh and kind of shuffled away. And then I got inside my house and collapsed on the couch.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Steve Irwin passed away yesterday

Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died yesterday while he was filming a show he was making with his 8-year old (child wasn't with him at the time), and he came across a stingray and came up behind it and it stung him and he died instantly. They tried to rush him to the hospital but it was too late. I'm saddened by this, even though I didn't watch his show that often because we don't have good channels, but he had young kids and a wife, and he was only 44.

i'm excited for tomorrow!

So, tomorrow is the orientation stuff for school! I'm a little nervous, because I'll be on crutches, but I think it'll go well. If nothing else, I'll start sitting on the grass if my leg gets to be too much, and prop it up on something.

What I wanted to tell you is, unless you have oodles of spare time and you don't want to do a lot of thinking, then don't rent "Just My Luck". I thought I'd give Lindsay Lohan one more chance, but boo on this movie. Besides the guy being kind of cute, that was really all it had going for it. It's definitely more of a kids movie, like 10 year olds and such. I was disappointed. If they'd just spun it a little more seriously, instead of giving it the "Freaky Friday" kind of switching luck, then I would've liked the movie... but the instant it became so easy for them to switch luck... then it became not realistic, and I lost interest. I like movies that are more believable. So, if you need a bit of a laugh and not much more substance, rent that movie, but otherwise, please DON'T.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

oh bollocks

Okay, I tried to give this movie a chance, and I have no idea what happened in this movie... But it's called "Brick" from 2005... and it's I guess a film noir/detective movie set in a high school around the death of this guy's ex-girlfriend. I'm also not a huge film noir fan... and I was tired when I was watching it, but I couldn't finish it. Plus, there's a bunch of teenagers spouting off a tun of language that is way too old for their time. But, yes, I appreciate the fact that they tried to make this movie in a setting that you don't see crime syndicates and dead bodies and suspense, but it all boils down to that I don't have the patience for film noir. Also, I'm incredibly tired and can't see straight and when I'm really tired because I am... but the other thing is that when I'm tired I start feeling like writing and blogging and hence the review. So, in the off chance that all these sentences make sense, (I can't remember what I wrote), don't watch this movie, it's not worth your time. And actually the whole time I was watching it, the cartoon "Fillmore" was what was popping into my head.


Yup, I've been trapped in my house for a week, and then I found out I got an infection (post-op... because pre-op would've been more fun)... so since Wednesday, I've had a funny fever and sweats and a headache... and then I found out on Friday that the whole fever crap was because I got an infection. So... 24 hours later, I've taken anti-biotics and I'm feeling AWESOME! I'm thinking of making a t-shirt... Anyways, I felt very... strong. Hence the Braveheart.

But, the whole point of my blog. I DID IT! I made it all the way to 7-11!! Yes, I was on crutches, I was slower than molasses on a snail, and I got passed by an elderly lady who said, "It's okay, when my knee hurts, I walk slow too." Super, right? But I made it to 7-11 because I was hungry, and it was great! I even made it back with the bag fully intact, and now, I'm not hungry anymore! Later, I'm going to attempt to actually take a bath, not a half-bath.

So, serious for a sec... I had a nightmare last night that I took an hour to pick my clothes before I was getting ready for school on Tuesday, and I missed my bus. So, then I woke up in a panic thinking my knee would never get me to school EVER. But, thank God, (for real, thank God very much... I'll explain), because now I know I'll be okay at school, even with crutches.

Okay, here's why we're thanking God. I'll spare the gross details, but, I went to the doctor yesterday only to ask a question about an allergic reaction to the tape that was on the incision. And, when I mentioned I'd also had a headache and feverish stuff since Wednesday, he figured I might have an infection. He scared me by saying that I might have to go to the hospital to get an IV anti-biotic if I don't get better by Tuesday, and I'm already feeling much better!! So, thank God for me somehow just being led to get the allergic thing checked up so that I could get the whole infection thing taken care of too.

Okay, have fun, I'll be the one running down the street! Well... if you put me next to a bunch of turtles, it'll look like I'm running. But, it'll feel fast to me.