Sunday, April 30, 2006

yup, Christmas is cancelled...

So, on the weekend I went home to Winkler to visit my parents and hang out with them. I got to see them on Easter, but we didn't get to really talk and hang out so I went out there on Friday after I got off work and stayed until Saturday night. So, we got to hang out. The reason for the picture however, are my niece's rollerblades. Not the most hightech ever, probably from Wal-Mart, and unfortunately I did discover that they're about a half a size too small. So, that made some sidewalks a little hard. And it was a little embarassing to be rollerblading down the sidewalk in Winkler and losing my balance half the time. I haven't rollerbladed for a really long time. But it was fun to see my parents and hang out.

Well, today was also fun. And as the title suggests, Christmas is now going to have to be cancelled. Why, you may ask? Because I broke a Christmas tree today. Yup... during my stint of slave labor these past hours for someone who shall remain nameless, I was told to help out with getting the Christmas trees from the outdoors. Funny question, right? Because it's MAY. But, I helped. No complaining. And the tree was stuck, so I shoved the tree over so that it would be easier to drag into the house. Forgetting the fact that the Christmas lights were still on the tree. A couple really loud glass breaking sounds later, and the tree had toppled over. So now there's glass shattered all over the driveway and the stupid tree started falling apart. It broke into 3 parts, but, thankfully, the lights stayed on making it IMPOSSIBLE to be carried by just one person. So, with glass shards in my hand, I hauled the stupid thing in with some minimal help from Catherine. (Just jokes, she was carrying most of it.) But, that's the story, stupidly, I wrecked Christmas. Or maybe they wrecked Christmas by leaving the Christmas tree out until MAY. Just a thought...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

have you smiled at a security camera today?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

hell on earth in my mouth

Well, today I had an experience like no other. And, I can still smell it. The smell is stuck in my nose, I think. What smell, you may ask? The smell of booger flavored Jelly Belly. Or dirt. Or earthworm. I actually couldn't distinguish between them by the end because I murdered my tastebuds. But it was fun, just the same.
Here's the story... Me and Katie and Ryan took a box of these jelly bellies and each took one in our hand without looking at them and put them in our mouth and tried to figure out what they were. Sounds like fun, right? NOT WHEN YOU GET SARDINE FLAVOR THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!! Yes, I was the wuss that eventually spit them out several times, instead of the swallowing the puke that was in my mouth. Yup, there's a vomit flavored one too. Mmmm... just what you've always wanted, right? Wrong.
But it was fun. Katie, in the end, after losing a game of rock-paper-scissors, had to eat the dirt flavored one. Although, at the beginning we thought it was the earthworm flavored one... alas, she wasn't so lucky. The grass one was okay... I mean who hasn't munched on grass before? I certainly have. And, there were some good ones... Tutti Frutti... Toasted Marshmallow... Even the Soap one was bareable after eating Booger.
It's done now... Thankfully, I bought an oat bar from Starbucks before this whole debacle and I'm going to eat it, sniff it, and possible inhale it to rid myself from the awful stomach ache that was swallowing Ear Wax. Hopefully, you too can one day experience the hell that was an hour ago.

chaos theory

This will be a short one... I just watched a really good movie and I definitely recommend it. It's a thinker, but it's really good. So, go watch it.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Life Lesson Number 312.8

Now, I used to love Garfield. Still do, on occasion. But for a while now, atleast a year, he hasn't been doing so good. Why, you may ask? I don't know. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I now am in love with Calvin & Hobbes and now that I'm not primarily a lifelong loyal fan of Garfield alone, then they've lost their desire to be great. But seriously folks, Garfield isn't as funny anymore. The jokes are kinda lame... and boring. But I go on the Garfield website sometimes and look at archives, and they're hi-freaking-larious. But now? I don't know. Just not cutting it for me anymore. The books from old? Amazingly funny. I own 2! But, now... seems that with most of their attention on the movies and internet... not so funny anymore. This has saddened me. But no worries, I'll be fine. I'm going to play with some matches.

Life Lesson Number 407.3 & 402.4

Life Lesson Number 402.4 : A couple of days ago, and by a couple I think I mean a week, I went to go pay my credit card bill. However, it was a day off from work, so was I going to get all dressed up to be outside for a couple of minutes? No. So, I went in jeans, a huge comfy hoodie, and my touqe. Tuque? touque. Ummm, I don't know. My head was covered. Anyways, so I went to the bank to pay it, and when I got there, the lady looked at me and was like, "Umm, do you have some ID with you?" And wouldn't you know it, I left my purse in the car. Because all I was doing was paying my credit card. Nope, no ID. So, after looking at me funny, and the guy in the till next to her looking at me funny, I was informed that I can't have my statement unless they have ID. Now, last time I went, I was wearing nice clothing, makeup, and no hat. And they had no problems telling me what I still owed. Super, right? Not this time. Now, I understand, for security purposes, they can't give out the amount to just anyone. But I was PAYING IT OFF!! If I'd stolen someone else's credit card, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care to go pay it off. I'd just keep spending and then ditch the card!! (No, I haven't thought about that before...) Anyways, that was funny to me.

Life Lesson Number 407.3 : I hate onions and green peppers on pizza.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


So, yesterday me and my brother Eddie went to see Ice Age 2. It was awesome!! I really enjoyed it! And yes, there was a little kid somewhere behind us that had the cutest laugh ever that totally made the movie!! Of course there also was a little kid sitting infront of us crying when it got "too scary" but all in all, we were laughing too so it was great! Then, we went and set off fireworks in the country. I lost some finger hair and skin because I set one off in the wrong direction and the fuse took off next to my hand and we had to book it into the car and drive away several times because cars started coming... but it was awesome! I had fun, so did my adrenaline, my brother thought we were criminals, and it was so funny! I laughed so hard! I definitely needed last night, and it was great! I can't wait until the next time I can light off fireworks again!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

drowning polar bears

Well... I know it's a serious advertisement... but it made me smile. But, maybe check it out, because they think it's serious. Here's how powerful the media is, because I read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton and now I don't believe in global warming. I'm torn. But if polar bears are really drowning, then it's important. Good luck making your own decision.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

wisdom for the masses

this one's for Catherine

If you can't read it, click on it and it gets bigger.