Thursday, July 28, 2005

¿Dónde están mis exposiciones de la televisión?

Well... funny story. I bought the first season of Gilmore Girls... (I don't care if you don't like it.) Well, I bought it a really long time ago but when they mailed it to me... (it's true folks, I joined a DVD mailing club... actually on accident...) they didn't send the last DVD, the 6th one, with the last episode and special features. So eventually, I mailed it back and they sent me a new one... with a bill for more than the first one was... Naturally being a calm human being, I spazzed and called late last night forgetting they're in Ontario and will be closed. So! I called again this morning, and all is forgiven, they just hadn't gotten the one I sent back yet... I don't have to pay anything. I also ordered "Hitch" and Gilmore Girls Season 2. (I am slightly addicted.)

In my defense, I do not have cable or satellite, I just have a giant television with the ability to watch movies... and I'm contemplating getting a season of Friends so that I can sit down and watch Friends or Gilmore Girls for a little while when I want to watch TV. It's actually a blessing, not having cable sometimes because then I won't sit down for hours... I'll just sit for a bit to watch one show and then I get up and go.

I do however want to get a PS2 because I played Medal of Honor: Frontline and became addicted. (Jen can attest to this, she tried to talk to me on the phone while I was playing... I kept dying.) However, I did get to Level 3 before I had to stop to go some where... or Mission 3... or the 3rd something. Anyways, I want to get it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

ah, the relief.

Jen just informed me that root beer doesn't have caffeine. So that whole period during Lent several years ago, when I just drank root beer instead of Coke, I really WASN'T cheating!! I feel so much better now! Phooey to all the people who made fun of me and said I was cheating! (Mostly my parents. So a little phooey then... phooey!) Anyways, well, that's good to know. This Coke thing is a little bit harder than I thought it would be. But I'm managing... if nothing else, atleast now I'll only have Coke when I go out to eat... that's kind of what I was planning. I don't want it at home or driving somewhere... just if I have it for a meal somewhere else. Make sense? Good. Or at the movies... I had Pepsi when I went to go see a movie yesterday.

I WENT TO SEE "CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY"!! We went to the later show last night, so this morning it was a little harder to get out of bed. I already saw it once on Sunday, but wow do I love that movie!! It's awesome! If you haven't seen it yet, GO SEE IT! I really liked it.... And Johnny Depp... sigh. Okay done.

Monday, July 25, 2005

one of those days...

1. Persistent mental disorder or derangement.
2. Law
a. Unsoundness of mind sufficient in the judgment of a civil court to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or to warrant commitment to a mental health facility.
b. In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed.
3. a. Extreme foolishness; folly.
b. Something that is extremely foolish.

Yeah. I'm insane. Want to know why? Because I'm trying to stop drinking Coke. Trying being the operative word in that sentence. I haven't had any Coke today at all.... yesterday I had one, and the day before that I had one. I don't know what to do with myself... it's such unknown territory! I did it for Lent when I was in Gr. 8 or 9, but then I drank root-beer for the entire time... so my caffeine intake was still there. Now, I'm stopping. I'm stopping because I want to be healthier and all that... but oh gosh is it fun. Maybe I should start taking caffeine pills again... (just kidding.)

Friday, July 22, 2005

jumping spiders

Well. Today I killed a spider in my bedroom. It was a little one. But it moved fast. Which is why I was more determined to kill it. It wasn't very big, as I said, it was quite small. But, I don't like little bugs that can move fast towards me. Blech. So, I got a large wad of toilet paper, actually very large wad, quite overqualified for the job, and slowly moved towards the windowsill where it perched. It didn't even see me coming. I actually like I was part of a horror movie for a second, because I kept trying to squish it, and the first two times it almost ran away... And, while I was killing it, I swear it jumped at the window. (It also could be that I, while smashing it to death, flung it's carcass up in the air... but I think it jumped.) Which terrified me even more, because I could just see it all a sudden morphing into a spider that's the same size as my room and coming after me. (And this is why I can't watch scary movies anymore... my imagination runs away with itself. And comes back with the ability to frighten me in a moment's notice.)

SO! I killed it. And threw the wad of toilet paper with the dead spider carcass in the middle of it into the garbage can. But, then I got afraid that maybe spiders are like ants that when they die, their dead body lets out a chemical that brings the other ants to collect it's carcass. (The word carcass is really describing the situation right now... so leave it be. Oh gosh, the song "Let It Be" just popped in my head. Anyone from W.E.S. will understand that memory.) So, I took the dead spider entombed in the toilet paper and flushed him down the toilet. He cannot come back and haunt me now.

And to gross myself out more, I found a website about jumping spiders. I dare you to open this website and scroll through the whole page and look at ALL the pictures, from top to bottom. What grossed me out most was how big their eyes are. Well, 2 of them. Did you know most spiders have 8 eyes? (Have you seen Madasgascar?) Yup. 8. But 2 of them, on some spiders, are a lot bigger. As you'll see from the pictures if you dare to look at them. I had the creepy crawly feeling on my skin after about the 5th picture because his eyes were huge and he was just a little guy. But, good luck to you!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

well, some stories are worth re-telling.

I realized well trying to fix something screwy with my profile, that the story about the bird whisperer, unless you actually go to my old easyjournal blog thing, is not quite told in the entry I made on Tuesday. I think it's hilarious. So... I figured I'd put it in here again. Just for old times sake. I know it's cut and pasted and whatever... blah blah blah. I like this story. It was a good time. SO. If you don't care about it, then DON'T READ IT. There, enough said. Enjoy!

April 7, 2004
So yesterday morning I had the most freakin' hilarious time... I went downstairs to get my laundry and I heard this weird noise coming from our furnace pipes... didn't think much about it... I went to our computer and started playing music and stuff, then I heard this weird noise coming from our kitchen... so I was like, what the heck? At first from the room I was in, it sounded like someone was attacking a chip bag, but as I got closer it sounded more crackling noises and I thought the house was burning down... so of course, being special me, I freaked 'cuz I thought I somehow was burning down the house. (being a pyro, this fear is not uncommon, but it was this morning)

Anyways, so I get to the kitchen and there was a bird INSIDE the house flapping against the window.. HE WAS INSIDE trying to get OUT. So, after having seen Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", I was a little bit afraid and straight up, some screams did exit my mouth... but I composed myself and did the rational thing anyone else would have done. I opened the porch door and started calling "birdy, come here and fly out" several times while the bird continued it's pursuit through the closed window which worked as well as me encouraging him through the door. Anyways, then the phone rang and it was my mom and I thought the bird would stay at the kitchen window so I went to answer the phone, a little bit hysterically because I don't think we can keep a wild bird in the house. So, as I was trying to explain to my mom how the bird got in the house because her first question was, "how did the bird get in" not "oh, this is what you should do"... while talking to my mom, I heard the bird changing rooms and flying by something glass so I decided it was best I was monitoring the bird and not trying to explain anything to my mom.

So, when I got back, I couldn't see the bird at first until it flew up off the floor and scared me, thus producing another scream out of my mouth. So, the bird was now at the dining room window... this window does not open so that's a problem... so I opened the kitchen window too thinking that maybe the bird would notice the sudden fresh air but he didn't. So, me still screaming occasionally, trying to use the window curtain to try and send the bird towards freedom. Well, that didn't work, so I got the fly swatter and tried to lead the bird away from the dining room window but it finally settled in a corner of the dining room window ledge. So I touched it with the fly swatter and it wouldn't move, it was really scared, and so I touched it with my hand, and it didn't move then either, so then I picked it up. The bird didn't move or anything so I carried it to the window and held my hand out the window... the bird wouldn't get off my hand for a bit, but I shook my hand and the bird flew away... so, clearly, I'm the bird whisperer.

parlez-vous anglais??

Well, yesterday was hilarious! Amanda Plett is back from Australia now... and I only saw her for the first time now that she's back, last night at church because she got back last Wednesday while I was still in Nova Scotia. So, that was cool... we left church and went to her house and then out to the Fringe Festival for the fireworks. We got there as the fireworks were starting... I must admit, I'm from Winkler. I had no idea what the Fringe Festival was until I read about it in the airplane magazine on the flight back from Toronto to Winnipeg on Sunday. Amanda explained it's like theatre and performances and stuff... so I thought, "well, cool!". In my defense, I do know what Folklorama is and Red River Ex and all that, and stuff in the Exchange District, I've been to all that, (minus the Ex)... but the Fringe... I'd only heard about it in distant fairy tales.

Yup... so we got there, and then we were walking to the Scotiabank stage to try and find some people, and the people on the stage started talking. In French. Now, I took French class... until Grade 11. Which basically means, I can talk someone if they talk slowly in French for about 5 minutes, as long as it's about days of the week, seasons, or food. "Le gateau". So, I was a little unnerved by that. Then, Amanda disappeared. And all these people, with matching jackets with their province written on the back in French started swarming past me. I heard a girl on stage say something about "Le Manitoba" and that's about all I understood. Okay, I understood a little more than that, but I was slowly spinning in a circle trying to find Amanda. Finally, I called my friend Katie. Katie's speaks French fluently, (yup she's pretty fabulous) so I figured maybe she could decipher what the heck was going on. Yeah, well, then of course the lady on the stage stopped talking and I couldn't repeat what she said to Katie to translate. Long story short, Mandi came back when she realized I hadn't been following her. But it was craziness there for a while... I even considered going up to someone and saying "bonjour" just to see how long it would take before I couldn't talk to them anymore... but they were all talking really fast so that ruled any conversation out.

But, we're going to go see some of the Fringe stuff, the stuff that's not perverted or weird.. well, not too weird. My friend Di told me there's this guy who does a one-man act of the whole trilogy of Star Wars in an hour. (yeah I know there's 6, but she seemed really happy about it so I'll just pretend there's 3 and that I'm really a Trekkie and I understand.) He also does Lord of the Rings, all 3, in an hour as a one-man act as well, and apparently both are hilarious. I'll let you know how that goes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

so it's all well and good until you share your calling with someone else!!! = written April 13, 2004

Disclaimer: I wrote this small blurp in my old blog, But I read it today and laughed so I'm going to put it on here in hopes that someone else may laugh as well. However, it was written April 13, 2004, so clearly I've matured since then... (hee hee)

Well, today was the first day back at school and I told some people my funny bird story thinking they'd support me in my new found calling: a bird whisperer. Apparently, just because you take a crazed psychopath of a bird and release him from the confines of your dining room it doesn't make you a bird whisperer... although I did clearly talk to the bird... he didn't exactly talk back in the conventional way we'd expect him to... well, he pooped in fright on the window sill actually... BUT, I really think we made some headway. I feel that the next time some lunatic fowl decides to enter my house, I'm going to sit it down and ask it why exactly it decided to come into my house that day. It's all good guys, I've got it all under control...

probe... that's a yucky word.

Blech. I feel blech. My eyes are watery from staring at the computer... I'm not sleepy, but I'm not focused on what I'm doing. I can't think about anything except for Nova Scotia. It was super hard going out there and meeting these people that I've never met before. They all knew about me. They all knew me from the day I was born. To me, they were all just a thought. Before I put the search out to find my birth mom, she was just an idea... ya know? Like I could imagine her as being anyone I wanted to be. Actually, to be quite honest, I hoped for a while that Sandra Bullock was my birth mom. Same color hair and eyes, clearly we're related... (kidding.)

But ya know? Sigh. I went out there for a week. Longest week of my life. I got used to Stef, my sister, really fast because I've always wanted a sister. But... getting another mom?? I was not prepared for that. I was super quiet the whole week, and kept to myself, because I didn't want to be there. I mean, I did, I had fun and stuff, but I didn't want another mom. I tried to explain that to her gently, but I don't know if I succeeded. It was so nuts being out there. I've been back since Sunday afternoon... and I didn't work yesterday. But I don't know... I still don't know what to do with myself. Maybe once I fully unpack my suitcase and move back into my apartment. Then it'll all seem like it's supposed to.

I guess I just haven't quite adjusted to having another family. But I don't want another family. I'm okay with a sister... because my closest friends are like sisters to me anyways. But, a whole other family? Like, grandparents and parents and cousins and uncles and all that? I don't know about that. Maybe I just need another good sleep...

You may have to click on it to enlarge it enough to see what the picture is of. It's of me... in the ocean. With huge waves crashing... mostly on top of me. I was fully clothed too, because getting wet was an afterthought. It was awesome though! Posted by Picasa

me and my sister Posted by Picasa

finally... standing in the ocean. Posted by Picasa

Well, I'm back.

I have arrived back at work. Now, I'm attempting to put my life back into order even though it's been a little nuts with all the craziness that happened last week. Last week, I went to visit my birth family, (my birth mom, specifically), and that was a little rough. I had a hard time with it all. I didn't expect it to be as emotionally draining as it was. It was a good experience. I got to meet them and ask questions about health concerns and stuff, but as for getting used to a whole new set of people considering me their family... that took some getting used to. I have tons of pictures and memories now... so now it's a matter of figuring it out. It put a lot of things into perspective... and I'm very glad I was adopted... I just now have to figure out how I'm going to rearrange my life to let them in. I'm not making any sense... I'll try again later.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

of all the things, I didn't expect that!

Mr. Dressup. How many of you have watched him at one point in your life??? If you missed out, I'm telling you, you've missed out on a lot. He's dead now, Mr. Dressup, (I don't know his real name), but the show still airs.

I ordered take-out again today... and you have pick it up in the bar of the restaurant downstairs.. apparently us take-outers shouldn't be fraternizing with the sit-downers. So, we're sent to the bar to get our food. Anyways, well perusing the bar televisions to see what was on, I came across a startling discovery. On the television screens was... sports, wrestling, music videos,... and Mr. Dressup. WITH closed captioning!! Now, I know that most programs in bars don't have the sound up real loud, mostly because there's different programs on every TV and you can't listen to them all at once. But the only one that had captioning was Mr. Dressup. Like that show, in the bar, was the only one who they needed to be absolutely sure they knew what they were missing with the sound off. And that was what I didn't expect. Mr. Dressup in a bar.