Friday, December 30, 2005

belly buttons and the like.

Today, my boss took me out for lunch. And he said the funniest thing ever, and when he said it, he totally made me think of Geri off the short Pixar film where he's playing chess and gambling for his teeth... by himself.

Anyways, I had a cheeseburger and fries (which from Grapes is amazing), and I let him have some of my fries because my boss loves fries. And he looked up at me, all elderly and white-haired and big blue eyes, and said, "These are going to make my belly-button bigger." And I laughed.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

one of those days...

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. -Calvin

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the wonders of life

Well, today I thought, I really don't want to make supper... so knowing that 7-Eleven has all things good (and slightly more expensive), I went to my local 7-11 store.

Super! They have taquitos! I like taquitos! I ordered 2 "Monterey Jack Chicken Taquitos"! Sounds great, right?? Actually, also, because the chimichangas that I'm in love with are also monterey jack cheese and chicken, who can go wrong with 2 "Monterey Jack Chicken Taquitos"!

So I order them... and alas, there's only one Monterey Jack Chicken Taquito. Well, what are my other options? Something containing taco something, and "Zesty Shredded Pork Taquito". Yeah... nothing edible should contain "shredded" and "pork" in the same title. Alas, the zesty one was the less spicy of the two... so I ordered one "Monterey Jack...." and one "Zesty Shredded Pork". And I went home.

While gazing at these beautiful taquitos, I was struck by the thought that both of them looked very much the same. Shoot! Now how will I tell the difference?? What if the Pork one is gross? I should eat that one first, right? Then I know the second one will be really good! (Saving the best for last and all that...) Excellent! But they look the same... Ah ha! I will smell them! That will tell the difference.

Yeah... they both smelt the same. Darn! Now what??? Well, I'll start eating one. Okay, one bite in, this one's definitely the monterey jack chicken one that I know I like! Super! I'll eat the other one, the zesty pig one, first. Yup, so I bite into the zesty pig. Hmmm... Something alerts my taste buds as to the fact that... THEY BOTH TASTE THE SAME.

I've now eaten both of them... couple bites from each until both were finished at the same time, trying desperately to cling to the knowledge that they SHOULD TASTE DIFFERENT. But no! No difference at all!

Atleast I liked them both, whatever they were... made for a pleasant supper.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

life or something like it...

Well, I went to see Chronicles of Narnia on Tuesday. I have to admit, had I not been with my little brother (my birth mom's son for those of you confused... we have the same biological mom but I was put up for adoption).. anyways, had I not been with him, I probably would've cried. I did have tears hovering in my eyelids though, threatening to fall, but they didn't. I was overcome with an incredible sadness when they were mocking Aslan and beating him and he just kept walking deeper into hell. And when the ground shook and the table broke, and Aslan roared... I must say, I had a warm empowering feeling then too. My brother kept swearing at the screen whenever the witch was on there because he hated her, but then he was very happy when she died. It was really good, and the parts that I wasn't happy with... well, it was still a good movie.

I also went to see Aeon Flux last Friday night when everyone I've ever known was going to see Chronicles of Narnia. Aeon Flux is good if you like science fiction. It was really well done, creative, good, blah blah blah, but I'm not a big fan of science fiction. It was set in the year 2410, and that lost me. Things like "Minority Report" I can almost believe because it's almost close enough to reality that it could happen, but my brain doesn't enjoy science fiction very much. You have to convince me it could be possible, and 400 years from now is too far to convince me. Anyways, it was really good though, good story line.

The other movie that I fell in love with recently was "Sense and Sensibility." I thought it was really good!! So, now I want to go see "Pride & Prejudice" but I have to wait until Katie has time, because she's knee-deep in exams right now. But, I really liked "Sense & Sensibility" (the one with Kate Winslet in it). And Hugh Laurie is in it, who's also in the AMAZING TV Show "House, MD" that I have now fallen in love with as well. I think I may buy the first season... or ask for it for Christmas and then Santa won't bring it and I'll buy it after Christmas... :) Anyways, I like "Sense & Sensibility" now too, even though I thought it was a real boring chick flick... Maybe I'm turning more into a chick... (Ssh, don't tell anyone)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

tune in next time for "Fun With Hairballs!"

Okay, for all of us who need to do something retarded for a while... click on the picture to hack hairballs at the squirrel in the Christmas tree!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

and i want to go here.

I'm not going for the gambling or anything like that but I do want to go here. I think it would be fun to see all the lights at night and the beautiful architecture and all that stuff. I think that would be fun to wander in there and see the tigers and lions and slot machines, oh my.... (just jokes) But, I think it would be fun! I have no desire to do much gambling, I'd probably just go in and spend a bunch of quarters. Who knows, maybe I'd win something! Maybe I wouldn't, but I know I'd come out of there without selling away my house and car and clothes. Actually, most of all, I want to go to see the Bellagio fountain. You know, from the scene in "Ocean's Eleven" where they're all standing there. I want to go there. So, really, it's just for the fountain.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the never-ending strudel cupboard...(it makes sense to me)

I really like Christmas, and the snow, and the prettiness of it all. Christmas makes me all sappy and in awe of everything. I however, hate malls right now because it's so busy and there's so many lines. Maybe next year I'll do my Christmas shopping in June.

Friday, December 02, 2005

something pretty this way comes...

I like Christmas. I love the lights, especially at night. And I love that atleast for one day, everyone relaxes. I know, everyone exchanges gifts and eats a ton of food and visits and stuff... but you don't have to worry about anything else. I'm a huge fan of God.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

i'm speechless... and my breath reeks of onions

I thought I'd be adventuresome today, as I was picking up Becca's supper at Wendy's and get my cheesburger with everything on it. Yes, my friends, everything. Which happens to include onions. I thought it'd be a good idea, and I know my dad really likes onions... so I was excited to be adventuresome. Yup. Well, see, thing is, the burger was really good. I'll give it that. The onions did add an extra flavor to the mess that was really good.

Downside? It's an hour and a half later and I still have the taste of onions in my mouth as fresh as the moment I bit into them. Boo. Well, actually, boo more for anyone who gets too close to me and gets a whiff of this fermenting smell in my mouth. (Sick, that comment grossed me out.)

Well, anyways... the main comment I wanted to make... is I'm very much in awe of God. I was reading this verse today, among others, but this one stuck out.

It's Psalms 128:4, in the Message Bible... well, the first half.
"Stand in awe of God's Yes."

That's so cool to me! God wants to bless me, He wants to give me everything, He wants to love on me, He wants me to wake up in the morning psyched! How sad do I make Him when I wake up, groaning, upset at the day, and grumpy?? When every day, His mercies are new and He's got amazing plans for me!! Not to mention the fact that I'm passing people every day who don't know Him and maybe just need a smile from someone!

Anyways, that's my little blurp for right now.